Hello Brooklyn - Jay-Z
Gritty City Series-
"The New York Chronicles" Part 1
By Jameelah Muhammad
Yes, I live in a gritty city and I have to say that the experience thus far has been, well...interesting. Not that I expected New York to be pristine and the streets clear of trash and/or debris, however I did underestimate how gritty in fact the city was. A Michigan native, I can attest that my home state has its own set of issues when it comes to pollution, recycling, and general sustainability, but I must say that I have experienced and seen quite a different situation since moving to New York. I've been living in the city for almost a year now and my health and exposure to grittiness is drastically different from when I was living in Michigan. I will never forget after spending my first few weeks here and blowing my nose, only to find gray and black particulates all over my tissue.
Initially I was disturbed, maybe even shocked by this quite obvious evidence of air pollution and inhalation of toxic chemicals to which I was partaking. After a while I stopped seeing these smears on my tissues when I would blow my nose and wondered to myself could it be that my body has adapted to this negative attack on it's lungs, or maybe there is an accumulation of G-d knows what piling up in my lungs that I'm just not as aware of as I was before because the level of my coughing and sneezing has decreased....
"This is Part 1 in a series we will be running all day featuring the Opinion of New York City Educator Jameelah Muhammad. Check back at lunch time for part 2 and a new song to go with it."
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