Today most people are out of summer school and off of work ready to celebrate the Fourth of July. Al Gore and the Alliance for Climate Protection are calling for Americans to "Declare Your Energy Independence". That means breaking the addiction to dirty forms of energy like coal and oil. All this comes at the same time that President Barack Obama prepares for his first trip to Africa as President of the United States. A group of some of the leading African Advocacy organizations, including the Institute for Policy Studies (IPS), Africa Action, Transafrica Forum, Global Aids Alliance, Africa Faith and Justice Network, Priority Africa Network, American Friends Service Committee and Association of Concerned Africa Scholars are calling for Obama to use this trip to Ghana to begin the formal creation of a new U.S. relationship with the continent of Africa; one that is based upon "mutual collaboration and respect between Africa and the United States.
So what would that mean in the dawning of the new Green Economy? Emira Woods, Co-director of IPS' Foreign Policy in Focus states,
"President Obama has advanced a bold vision for a global green economy, yet Africa is often not referenced in these discussions..."
The coalition of organizations is asking for your support in making sure Africa can also have energy independence. Woods goes on to say, "President Obama could bring political leverage for technology transfers and investment incentives in solar, wind, and tidal industries. Creating innovative new jobs can sustain the environment while allowing Africa to leapfrog its development in creative ways and also expanding opportunities for U.S. alternative technologies firms." The coalition hopes this trip to Africa will guide Obama and the US government in pushing for a Global Climate Fund. This fund will help support developing nations in transitioning to a green economy, remove African debt and take the foot of Dirty energy off of Africa's neck.
To read more and sign on to a letter calling for Obama to make his upcoming trip to Ghana the first step in a new and better relationship betweeen Africa and the US Click on the "Petition Du Jour" on the side bar or visit
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