Friday, July 10, 2009

Africans to Obama: "We Want Change We Can Believe In Too!"

(photo courtesy of

President Obama is preparing for his first trip to Africa since being elected. African advocacy and grassroots groups from all over the continent hope that Obama will use this historic trip to Ghana, Africa as an opportunity to start new and more respectful relations between the U.S. and Africa. In a previous article we quoted Emira Woods, Co-director of the Institute for Policy Study's Foreign Policy in Focus who stated that "President Obama has advanced a bold vision for a global green economy, yet Africa is often not referenced in these discussions."

Organizers with the Pan African Climate Justice Alliance share Emira's excitement over Obama's vision for a new Green Economy and call for change. PACJA states in their press release: "the US must make efforts that correspond to their historic responsibility and economic capacity in order to work together with Africa and to ensure Climate Justice."

What would Climate Justice for Africa mean? Visit for more info.

To support renewed US and Africa relations sign the Petition Du Jour courtesy of Foriegn Policy in Focus on our site to the right!

Also check out this slideshow from the Washington Post of Ghana Preparing for Obama's visit.