Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Cynthia Mckinney is Free! Yittedee!

Last Week reported that Former Congresswoman and Green Party Presidential Nominee, Cynthia Mckinney was taken hostage along with 21 others by the Israeli Navy. Yesterday, Cynthia Mckinney and the others were released and are now back in the United states.

The group of humanitarian activists, including Nobel Peace Laureate Mairead Maguire, were on a peace mission with advocacy organization Free Gaza to deliver much needed food and supplies to Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. The groups boat, The Spirit of Humanity was siezed by the Israeli Government on June 30th. Sadly very little press was given to this hostage situation due to the recent string of celebrity deaths including Michael Jackson.

Visit Democracy Now to hear an interview with Cynthia Mckinney since being released by Israel. Ain't got time? Well here is our favorite quote:

"Well, I would like to see the children of Gaza have the coloring books and crayons that we had on board with us. I would like to see the houses that have been destroyed rebuilt. I would like to see the lives rebuilt for the people of Gaza and I would like to see the people of Palestine have, and enjoy their human rights." -Cynthia Mckinney