Monday, June 29, 2009

Do Rasta's Care about the Climate Bill?

This weekend was quite a busy one in the District of Columbia. On one end of the city, Congress voted on the ACES Bill and on the other side, thousands of Caribbeans danced in the street at the Caribbean Day Festivities. Such opposite scenes for a weekend but so much going on to see and say.

Here are some shots and video from some of the events:

Friday: The Environmental World went into cardiac arrest as congress passed the American Clean Energy and Security Bill (aka ACES). Youth rallied at capital hill calling for a stronger Climate Bill. caught up with the two of very few folk of color out there and asked them why they were out rallying to strengthen the climate bill here's what they had to say.

The next day Checktheweather went out to the infamous Georgia Ave and danced with the people at this year's caribbean day parade.

Along with floats and beautifully costumed dancers, vendors on the street sold everything from flags and Michael Jackson T-shirts to fresh coconut and sugar cane. the Rasta's were out in full effect to show cultural pride. While selling the fresh fruit vendors yelling out all the health benefits of eating a natural, vegetarian lifestyle.

This weekend highlighted two very different sides of DC. The policy world and the world of the real Chocolate City. Both sides care about our planet yet in very different ways. The question wants to know is how much does each group know about the other. Do politicians and staffers listen to reggae hits? Do Rastas care about The ACES Bill? Stayed tuned to to find out the answer to that question and more.

While we're waiting let us know what do you think?