Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Don't Let The US Tar Canada's Reputation too.

This just in from our friends up north in Canada. The United States is getting involved in a huge venture to destroy Canada and First Nation People of Turtle Island (North America) The Tar Sands, aka oil sands are extra heavy oil that creates a very dirty form of petroleaum made from sand and clay. The United States is partnering with Alberta, Canada to extract the oil and use it for energy usage in the United States. However there is something we can do today to stop them from building more pipelines of toxic sludge.
Another major pipeline from Alberta Canada to the United States is up for a vote by the US State Department. Secretary of State, Hilary Clinton has the power to stop this project. Click here for the Rainforest Action Network's petition page to stop this pipeline from destroying ancient forest, indigenous land, people and species.

For a breakdown of what the Tar Sands are all about check out this article on how tribes in Minnesota are connecting with Canadian tribes to stop the growth of Tar Sands pipelines through native lands http://www.twincities.com/news/ci_12712281?source=rss&nclick_check=1

Plus watch this video courtesy of ecosanity.org . This dude at the end of the video starts WILDING out over the BS the Premier of Alberta is saying.

Tribes in the United States and Canada are calling for action to fight against Tar Sands. What the heck are tar sands you ask?

Shouts out to Kandi Mossett of Indigenous Environmental Network for sending this story our way.