Monday, June 22, 2009

McNair Wagner: A Southern Gentleman With Earthly Endeavors

Earlier this week caught up with McNair Wagner, CEO and Founder of Earth Endeavors, a environmentally focused marketing firm. We wanted to find out more about this young and single entrepreneur. Read our interview with McNair and hear how he is putting a green spin on Atlanta Nightlife.


When did you start Earth Endeavors and why?

MW:I started Earth Endeavors in April of 2008. I looked over the [green] movement and my own talents and I wanted to see how I could make this work best for me so I developed a marketing business with an environmental focus.

CTW: What are some of your recent projects;

MW: We hosted a sustainable fashion show at Ten Pin Alley in Atlantic station bringing out approximately 500 people.

CTW: That's dope! You know Atlantic station is also a model of brownfield remediation?

MW: Yeah we host several events in that area.

CTW:How did you get involved in the Environmental Movement?

MW:Back at Georgia Southern a teacher gave a presentation on environmental issues and it struck me hard and I wanted to be a part of the solution and not the problem. So I got involved with NRDC and my local Sierra Club and have been busy ever since.

CTW:How long have you been living in Georgia?

MW: since 1996.

CTW:Over the years how have you watched the Atlanta Metropolitan area change?

MW: There has been an explosion of growth, urban sprawl and cutting down of natural vegetation.

CTW:How do you plan to use Earth Endeavors to positively address the changes in the Atlanta area?

MW: We bring in the young professional audience between 22-35. We want to instill and incorporate this group into the more in-depth environmental conversation and make sure the issues are relevant and relate to other issues in their own community and daily lives. The environment is not just recycling, it is more and we want to make sure groups like The Environmental Justice and Climate Change Initiative and Checktheweather have a higher profile and that their message gets out to a broader audience.

CTW: Why the young professional audience specifically?

MW: Had to look at what I'm passionate about I'm a social butterfly and most associate with the people in my age group and I wanted to share my knowledge and passion with people in my age group

CTW: How has your experience been navigating through, what many feel, is a very white environmental sector?

It has been welcoming and really it's helping me and hopefully the people I work with develop a culture of understanding of why people feel passionate about the environment. Sometimes intercultural experiences can be difficult, however for the most part it has been a wonderful experience. Being involved in the environmental movement has connected me to many opportunities and taught me how to work and understand different cultural groups not just African-Americans. There is an excitement in bringing together people of various cultural groups and I feel a sense of unity that has helped me to be a better environmentalist. I get to learn more about why other people do what they do and they get to learn more about why I do what I do.

CTW:What is your vision for success with Earth Endeavors?

MW:Generate substantial revenue and income by helping environmental organizations and businesses to reach their goals and really take this third wave of environmentalism to the next level also while respecting the vision and needs of various environmental groups

Where do see yourself ten years from now?

In ten years I will have made Earth Endeavors and several other businesses and made them profitable. I will be able to speak about what we are doing right now and motivate younger people with our stories and inspire people as others have inspired me with the simple acts of changing a lightbulb or standing up for our planet

CTW:Who inspires you?

MW:My peers. I admire the great work they do and gives me a sense of purpose and seeing that we are all doing different things but we are all part of a bigger picture that is creating real change and that is what keeps me going.
CTW: What words of advice do you have for other young entrepreneurs?

MW:Follow your passion, find a way to connect whatever you love about this movement and connect it to your business plug into a network make sure your peers and organizations you work with are supporting your business build up your team.

CTW:Anything else?

MW:Keep up the good work and look forward to hearing about the work everyone is doing.

In the Atlanta Area and want to check out how Earth Endeavors parties for the green? Check them out at the official "Gemcer" (Gemini and Cancer) Party this Friday, June 26th at the MonaVie Experience.

For more info visit