Over the past few months the environmental policy world has been all a buzz over the American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009 (ACES). The Bill is also affectionately known as the Waxman-Markey bill, named after the two senators who introduced the bill this Spring. The bill is being sold to the American people as THE Bill that will create the first steps to real solutions on Climate Change. However, there are many environmental justice, economists, and scientists who have come out in strong opposition to the bill. Other more mainstream groups have not completely thrown the bill out the window but are asking that the bill be strengthened in critical areas.
So Why are some groups calling the bill a Joke?
The Environmental Justice Leadership Forum made up of over 35 organizations including WEACT, The Environmental Justice and Resource Center at Clark Atlanta University and The Indigenous Environmental Network came out with a Fact Sheet on the Bill. The Fact Sheet states that the Bill not does not enforce the necessary reductions on Greenhouse Gas emissions (the stuff that causes climate change) that science demands. It also gives away benefits to polluting companies and hurts vulnerable communities by allowing for Pollution Hotspots. The EJLF explains this as:
A national pollution trading system can create “pollution hotspots” by allowing pollution concentration in the areas where it is cheaper to buy permits to cover continued or increased emissions than to actually clean up facilities. This is a
serious problem for communities that have the oldest and dirtiest facilities.
Another thing is that the bill does not fully protect consumers from increasing Energy Bills that may make it hard to even live. To see what the Environmental Justice Leadership Forum's Full take on the Bill click here
The Program For Environmental and Regional Equity (PERE) At the University of Southern California also offered a working analysis of the bill to accompany their recent report, The Climate Gap. The Climate Gap outlines how climate change will impact vulnerable communities and what can be done to support these communities as we fight against the eminent dangers of Climate Change. To read the report and get a copy of their analysis click here
Groups like Green For All and the Energy Action Coalition have taken to the halls of congress and have Shut down the phone lines getting people out to advocate for Strengthening the bill. Green for All, a group that works on promoting a healthy and Green Economy strong enough to live people out of poverty, is working to ensure that Green Jobs programming and funding is allocated equally and fairly. They want Green Jobs training programs to be fully funded and want more funding to go to local communities that are the most vulnerable to the economic shifts caused by transitioning from oil and coal to renewable energy like wind and solar.
Last week Green For All sent an e-mail out to their list serve asking people to call their congresspeople about strengthening the bill. Mahfam Malek, Program Manager with Green For All stated that after that e-mail was sent Congressional offices were overloaded with calls in support of Green For All's suggestions.
The Energy Action Coalition a group of over 50 diverse organizations has sided with Congressional Reps Keith Ellison and Chellie Pingree to make sure the bill is strengthened in three Critical Ways.
Holding Polluters Accountable - restore authority to the Environmental Protection Agency to regulate coal plants
Increasing investment in green jobs and in protecting vulnerable communities against the impacts of global warming
Improving the renewable energy standard.
They also have inundated congressional offices with calls and have helped to bring an amazing youth presence at hearings on the bill and at congressional offices.
For More information visit PowerShift09.org. and continue to CHECKTHEWEATHER.NET!
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