Need a Job? In this economy, you just might.The question is will legislation support low-income communities and communities of color in getting one? Some groups say No, unless we act right now. Green For All, a national, policy based group that advocates for Green Jobs, sent out an e-mail asking everyone to call and email their senators and ask them to support Green Jobs for low-income workers and communities. They are asking people to write their Congresspeople and tell them to support Green Jobs for all as part of the recent discussions on climate legislation. Here are the main points they are making:
1. Invest in a green-collar workforce and pathways out of poverty: Allocate funds to the Green Jobs Act.
2. Improve access to good jobs: Include targeted hiring provisions to ensure that clean energy jobs go to local workers and workers from low-income communities.
To read more and to send a letter to your congressional rep in less than 1 minute click here if having trouble this is the address
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