Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Happy Birthday to One of the Dopest Youth Environmental Justice Leaders in the Land!

The Weather Report would like to give a big huge shout out and Happy Belated Birthday to Marisol Becerra (her birthday was technically yesterday 6/15/09) Marisol is a youth environmental justice activist from the Little Village Community of Chicago. Little Village is located on the southwest side of Chicago and faces a variety of environmental hazards including a coal-fired power plant. Nevertheless the community is full of vibrant culture, people and emerging leaders like Marisol.

Marisol worked with the Little Village Environmental Justice Organization (LVEJO)to engage youth in her community by drawing awareness to environmental and social justice issues. Through her work with LVEJO, Marisol created a virtual toxic tour using google maps. You can check out the tour and learn more about the work of the LVEJO youth group by visiting. www.elcilantro.org. to view the map click on "our map of environmental justice". The site also shows how you can create your own virtual toxic tour of your hood.

But the accolades don't stop there. Marisol recently received the highly prestigious Brower Youth Award from the New Leaders Initiative of the Earth Island Institute and is currently interning at the White House! Marisol is also a student at DePaul University in Chicago and plays both the piano and the violin (I'm saying some of ya'll may need to step your game up to hang out with this lady). Check out her Brower Youth Award profile video below.

The world might just be watching the first Latina president blossom! stay tuned to checktheweather.net for the latest and greatest on Marisol and other rising leaders of color in the green movement.

Marisol and Checktheweather.net co-founder, Kari Fulton at Brower Youth Awards Ceremony.