Hip-Howls SXSW 2009 mixtape, hosted by indie Hip-hop Artists Crosby and Miz Metro highlights some of the great hip-hop acts at the legendary 2009 South by Southwest Music Festival in Austin, Texas. The best part, the sound of Generation Y-not Hip-Hop is one of change, positivity and throwing down the chains of the record label pre-packaged messages and imaging. Many of the songs on the mixtape highlight issues of gentrification, media images, social justice and violence in our community. The mixtape can now be downloaded for free on Hiphophowl.com. You can also listen to the mixtape right here on Checktheweather.net!
Big Shots out to A.pinks (track 4 "Held me Down") Fellow Howard U Alum and part of Generation Y-not!
Hip-Hop HOWL! "SXSW TAKE OVER" Mixtape
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