Thursday, May 7, 2009

Eco-Jam of the Day and More on the Oprah Chicken Chaos

Fried Chicken - Nas

Thought this would be an appropriate song in honor of Queen O giving out free chicken from KFC. Even if you don't like KFC something about Oprah and free made you go print that coupon off yesterday. (Don't lie I got one too.)

Katie Leslie, reporter with the The Atlanta Journal-Constitution writes, "With a name like Oprah, this chicken has to be good." That must have been the sentiment of Kentucky Fried Chicken when it decided to partner up with the Media Goddess to promote their new Grilled Chicken meals. The promotional website states that the new grilled chicken has a "five star fall off the bone taste." Health advocates are excited about the new meals because they are another less fattening fast food option.

Folk struggling from this ongoing recession praised the coupons and the complimentary meal of two pieces of chicken, two sides and a biscuit. Unfortunately, the overwhelming demand for the free deal left many unsatisfied. Fox News in New York City's website,quoted one blogger as saying, "Nice gesture since I am unemployed and a free dinner would have been nice. I could not download the coupon." also reported on a possible sit-in at the KFC on 42nd street in Manhattan. blogger wrote to the station,"I went over to our nearest KFC a few minutes ago...and chaos ensued. Despite the very visible grilled chicken behind the register, the manager told everyone with coupons to leave and that the promotion was over for the day. The people there are currently holding a sit-in and refusing to leave until they get their free chicken...or the cops are called. Racial epithets were being spewed, people who actually wanted to pay for chicken were facing a potential beatdown, and the manager ran from the screaming horde. Oprah, what have ye wrought?" The Grilled Chicken meal at KFC normally sells for $3.99.

This is not the first incident of chicken related chaos. Popeyes Chicken also offered 8 pieces of chicken for $4.99. On April 23, 2009 ABC 13 in Rochester NY reported of chicken shortages at various popeyes in the area. Watch this quick clip to see what I'm talking about.
(Check for racism: How come the news piece only interviewed Black customers of Popeyes? hmm...)

Kandaka Long of Denver, Colorado wonders, "between Popeye's 8 piece deal and this KFC coupon..where in the world is all this chicken coming from recently?!?!?". Long's thoughts are similar to that of many food justice and animal rights advocacy groups like PETA. The PETA supported website has been campaigning and reporting on Tyson's Chicken and KFC supplier factories where genetically mutated and abused chicken are slaughtered for consumption by KFC customers. Check this video out courtesy of Kentucky Fried Cruelty featuring Pamela Anderson.

Let us know what do you think the deal is with the chicken deal? and daily for information on food justice and all the ways Generation Y-Not? are redefining Green.