Tuesday, July 28, 2009

New Music Tuesday Female Rapper Talks 350.org and Climate Change

Today is dedicated to where the wonky world of politics meets things people actually care about. Never heard of the word "wonky" well it's a term of endearment for people who are all into the policy and science side of life. For instance, we can get real wonky talking about climate change but at the end of the day most people just want the summary and the real deal. i.e. "how much is this going to cost me" or "how will this possibly screw me over".

So check out this song from Valida Prentice called the 350.org rap. 350 is an international organization working to get real science based solutions to climate change. It can be difficult breaking down the concept behind the number 350 but Valida takes a good stab at it.

Take a listen:

350.org rap from Valida Prentice on Vimeo.

Wanna know more about how to get "wonky with it" check out thewonkroom.com


Valida said...

Thanks for posting the song! Check out http://www.350.org/people/art to hear other songs that have been written about getting us back to 350 ppm (scroll down, the player is on the right sidebar near the bottom). Hope it inspires some to write more and send them in to 350.org!